“Biri-Gal” is a cheer song
that accompanies and encourages life.


Film Director

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Film Director People who are Biri-Gal talk about Biri-Gal Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the publication of “Biri-Gal”! In preparation for the film adaptation, I first met Sayaka-chan herself, and then immediately flew to Nagoya to interview Mr. Tsubota and Sayaka-chan’s family. I can remember that day as if it were yesterday, but it’s been 10 years since that day. Time flies!

During the filming of the movie, the real Sayaka-chan, who helped as a member of the staff, was flying around Japan giving lectures, and before I knew it, she was a graduate student at Columbia University and is now one of the opinion leaders of her generation.

Mr. Tsubota is active in various fields, not just as a cram school operator. And the movie “Biri-Gal” was released in theaters all over South Korea and China, was widely supported by young people, and was a hit. A few years ago, when I visited China for work, I received a warm welcome as the director of the movie “Biri-Gal”.

A book that was created 10 years ago not only paved the way for the future of the parties involved, but also continues to encourage readers and audiences around the world. Without a doubt.

Now, I am still making movies and dramas in a corner of this country, and I am about to turn 60, but I still believe in my potential and want to grow. On the morning of a slightly tough shooting day, I still listen to the soundtrack “Brand New Day” from the movie “Biri-Gal” (the song when Sayaka-chan, who is heading to Tokyo, finds Mr. Tsubota waving his hand in the river from inside the Shinkansen in the last scene). I feel like I got strength. Before I knew it, “Biri-Gal” had become a cheer song for me as well, accompanying and encouraging me throughout my future life.


Film Director
Film Director Born in 1964. From Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University, he joined TBS. He has directed many popular TV dramas such as “Tell Me You Love Me”, “Beautiful Life”, “GOOD LUCK!!”, “Running Away is Shameful but Useful”, “Quartet”. As a film director, he has made many hit films such as “I’m Going to Meet You Now”, “Hanamizuki”, “Kirin’s Wings”, “Biri-Gal”.

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