The People Who Colored Biri Gal

May this continue to be a gentle work
that connects you and your loved ones.

ProtagonistSayaka Kobayashi

I don’t know if it’s congratulations or thank you for the 10th anniversary of Biri Gal, but anyway, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has been involved with Biri Gal in these 10 years, and to everyone who has touched this story. Thank you. I’m very happy.

Looking back on these 10 years, what I think now is that Biri Gal is no longer my story. Of course, in the best sense.

There was a man in a suit watching the movie Biri Gal in the very back corner of the movie theater. That person, I’m sure he has a daughter, was crying with his handkerchief all crumpled up in the scene with me and my dad.

In the bookstore, there was a woman who was flipping through Biri Gal, occasionally laughing while reading, and when she took it to the register with a gentle face, I was happy. While imagining that she might be a mother of an examinee, I was sending telepathy saying, “Thank you! May happiness be with you and your family!!”

I think that everyone who read and watched Biri Gal was thinking of the face of a loved one, remembering a scene that happened somewhere in your life, and thinking about the future of your family.

It’s something that’s too obvious and I had forgotten about it, but it brings me back to something very important. Professor Tsubota, everyone at KADOKAWA ASCII Media Works, and everyone involved in the movie Biri Gal, delivered Biri Gal to many people with such a warm feeling.

So I think “Biri Gal” is your story. I’m happy that it’s a work that can be involved in the lives of many people in this way. Really.

Every time I meet a junior who says, “My life changed thanks to Biri Gal!” I get power from them, and before I know it, I’m studying education in New York. Everyone pushed me, and I’ve come this far. I’m also one of the people whose life changed thanks to Biri Gal.

May this story continue to be a gentle work that can gently stay close to you and connect you and your loved ones.

Thank you so much for the 10th anniversary of Biri Gal!
I look forward to your continued support!!

PROFILE The real Biri Gal, the protagonist of “The Story of a Yearly Billy Gal Who Raised Her Deviation Value by 40 in One Year and Passed Keio University in Active Service” (written by Nobutaka Tsubota).
After graduating from Keio University, she worked as a wedding planner, and as the real Biri Gal, she has given more than 500 lectures and written articles, while studying at the Graduate School of Sacred Heart Women’s University for research in educational science, and completed her master’s course. In the fall of 2022, she is studying cognitive science at Columbia University Graduate School of Education in the United States, with the research theme of “Cultivating educators who can believe in and bring out the abilities of children”. Her book is “The Day Biri Gal Became a Billy Again: How I, Who Hated Studying, Went to a Prestigious Graduate School in the United States at 34” (Kodansha). For lecture and interview requests, please click here.

Life is not something to be thrown away.
I hope you think so.


The days of family regeneration through my daughter’s examination with Professor Tsubota, who is a mentor to all of our family members, were almost perfectly realistically and beautifully performed by the wonderful cast of the movie “Biri Gal”, but I am surprised that 10 years have already passed.

The reason we, who were called a bottom family, were able to follow the path of regeneration was because we met a wonderful teacher. I think a happy life changes depending on how many happy and wonderful people you can meet.

What I feel strongest now is about my child, who should be cute to anyone. Everyone wishes for the happiness of their child. 。

If a child is cute, then that child’s child should also be cute, and when that grandchild goes to school and enters society, I think about how many happy friends that child will meet.

I want to become a parent, an adult, who can make all children look forward to becoming adults, so that adults can become role models for happiness.

If possible, I hope this message reaches many people. And please try to take a piece of the Biri Gal story and incorporate it.

I think you might think that life is not something to be thrown away. I hope so.

PROFILE Born in Osaka Prefecture and currently living in Aichi Prefecture Married at 22. Gave birth to eldest daughter Sayaka the following year. Gave birth to eldest son two years later, and second daughter six years later. A few days before the due date for the birth of eldest daughter Sayaka, her husband quit his job. The relationship with her husband who does not come home is frozen and they become a mask couple. The three children grow up full of love, but all three are at the bottom of the grade. Often called out from school. Became known as a “bad parent” from those around. Her catchphrase is, “I’m happy, I’m having fun, I’m happy.” and “Nothing meaningless happens” For lecture and interview requests, please click here.

With Biri Gal,
I was able to regain a warm family.

FatherBiri Papa

I, who loved family because I was born to wonderful parents and blessed with siblings, when I got married and had a family of my own and tried to play the role of the mainstay in my own way, I couldn’t get along well with my wife and children and I didn’t understand what family was.
However, as you all have seen in books and movies, each of us started to understand each other through the hard work of my daughter, and we were able to miraculously regain a warm family.
At the time, I was always angry with my son in youth baseball as a demon coach, but now I am enjoying being the world’s kindest coach with my two beloved grandchildren.
On the occasion of the “10th Anniversary of Biri Gal”, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to all of you who are aware of it.

PROFILE Born in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture and currently living in Nagoya City.
After graduating from university, he got a job at a general company, but planned to quit his job before he had been there for three years and recklessly quit.
Moreover, he quit his job a week before his eldest daughter Sayaka was born and was scolded by Ah-chan.
After that, he established an automobile sales company and worked hard, but due to differences in values, he couldn’t get along well with his family and lived a long isolated life.
Especially with his wife and eldest daughter Sayaka, they were arguing almost every day.
Even so, he was desperate to raise his long-awaited eldest son as a baseball player and immersed himself in youth baseball, but he was too strict with his misunderstood love and his eldest son quit before high school baseball and was frustrated.
He realized for the first time at this time that what he thought he was doing for the sake of his children was imposing his own dreams.
After that, he apologized to his family and promised not to get angry and regained his place. Currently, he is still passionate about being the world’s kindest coach to raise his two grandchildren into wonderful baseball players! For lecture and interview requests, please click here.

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